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Skolan för
och kommunikation
KTH / CSC / Kurser / DT2140

DT2140 Multimodal interfaces

Suggested projects

This list will be completed and is non-exhaustive. You may choose any project topic that interests you more, as long as you have had it approved by one of the teachers of the course.

Supervisors: OE=Olov Engwall, AF=Anders Friberg, RB=Roberto Bresin, JM=Jonas Moll AL=Anders Lundstrom.

Tangible interfaces, Augmented Reality etc.

Visual input and gestures

Sound and Music

Sonification of reactivision fiducial markers (RB): Use sound for characterizing different shapes of reactivision fiducial markers and their movements. For the sound generation use PD and some of the patches that you used during the laboratory session "Lab 1: Gestures and sounding objects "(or other sound models of your choice).

Voice control of emotions in music performance (RB): Using voice commands or voice spectral characteristics control the emotion in the performance of music pieces. For the generation of expressive music performance, use pDM http://www.speech.kth.se/music/performance/download/pDM1.8.zip.

Sonify finger gestures on the multitouch display of a smart phone (RB): How many fingers are touching the display? How are they moving? You will use Pure Data and an Android smart phone (not provided).
Tools to use: Pure Data and OSCdroid.

Tactile Support for Collaboratively Playing Music (AL): Imagine a band collaboratively playing together. Try to enhance their experience by translating the rhythmic and/or lower components of the audio to a tactile signal. So that they not only hear each other, but also could feel each other.

Spoken interaction

Haptic interfaces

Course responsible: Olov Engwall, engwall@kth.se, 790 75 65