Finite Element MethodsInformation for fem07The goal of this course is to give basic knowledge of the theory and practice of the finite element method and its application to the partial differential equations of physics and engineering sciences. The purpose is to give a balanced combination of theoretical and practical skills. The theoretical part is mainly concerned with the derivation of finite element formulations as well as estimating the discretization error and how to use error estimates to adaptively refine the mesh (see the FEniCS gallery and the Body and Soul gallery). The practical part deals with computer implementation: element matrices, assembly, numerical integration, etc.
Course Home Page
News080401: NO APRIL'S FOOL JOKE: Corrected date! Next examination paper will be Sat April 26 (twenty-six) 9-14, Osquars B. 2. IF you have planned for April 19 and can't make April 26, call me. The outer door will be open. Go to floor 5 and ring the bell, or phone 0730 843451.080123: Next examination paper will be Sat Jan 26, 9-14, Osquars B. 2. The outer door will be open. Go to floor 5 and ring the bell, or phone 0730 843451.071218: Next examination paper will be Fri Jan 25 or Sat Jan 26, 9-14, Pls. let me know which is best!071205: Examination paper Dec 8, 9-14, in 4523. Pls. use entrance Lindstedtsv 3 if Osquars B 2 is lockedNews071106:Grading scheme DN2260 Finite Elements Fall 07 pdf here Exam paper Oct 25 pdf here Homework & project reports are kept at the Student Office (Osq. B 2, bottom floor) Next examination paper prel. Dec 8, 9-14, and then mid-january, 2008. Pls. let me know asap if Dec 8 is inconvenient. 071013:Hints about completion of mesh refinement, the disc brake problem suggestion for Project B:4, etc.pdf hereExtra lecture Mon Oct 15 9(15)- 11 (or so) K53 (Chemistry building, just north of Nada) Summing up, convection diffusion, review. Extra Problem solving class Tue Oct 16 9(30) - 11 (or so), E33 Old exam paper, review, Questions & Answers, Thu Oct 18 15 --, E33 More examples of exam. questions,
070925:Office hours changed, see below. A page or two of lecture notes will appear here ASAP. Please hand in solutions to problem set A and project A before Monday (official deadline Friday). It will be possible to hand in completions later.
070924:!! LECTURE TOMORROW TUE, SEP 25 13-15 in 1537, Osquars B 2, 5th floor, to the right.
070916:!! LECTURE TOMORROW MON, SEP 17 13-15 CANCELLED!! Re-scheduling by agreement with students at the close of problem solving class Wed Sep 19.070904: Register for the course by the RES-system, see below. Note: The dialogue is in Swedish, ask fellow Swedish student if necessary. There is only one group, say group 1. 070904: First part of lecture 1 pdf here. 070830: Course home page 07 on line, still under construction. Course starts Monday September 3, 13-15, in D34. Schedule, see below, or :pdf here RegistrationTo register for this course you need to use the RES-system: in a Nada UNIX terminal window, give the commandInstructors
Office Hours
ExaminationThe final grade of this course will be the mean value of the grade of a written exam and a project (rounded up):
2 sets of homework problems generate maximum 5 bonus points for the written exam if handed in by the deadlines. No more than two students per solution handed in.
Course evaluation formPlease fill out the course evaluation form after the written exam. The following message means that your submitted form has been received: Din utvärdering har tagits emot. Tack för hjälpen!Result of course evaluation. LiteratureCourse book (CDE)"K. Eriksson, D. Estep, P. Hansbo, C. Johnson: Computational Differential Equations",Studentlitteratur, ISBN ISBN 91-44-49311-8. Price: 410 kr at kårens bokhandel. Hints and solutions to some of the problems in the book. More books in the same series. ProjectProject PMPart A deadline: Friday September 28 Part B deadline: Friday October 19 15.00 - WILL BE ENFORCED! First page of reports should include: in BIG letters: course code and name of grader (DN2260 Murtazo Nazarov); name, email and study program for all group members. Submit electronically (pdf, not word) to Murtazo or paper in the CSC mailbox outside Delfi, bottom floor, Osquars B. 2. Using your own computer: Matlab is available at the library, and the PDE-toolbox is available to download for free. Detailed information on the mesh representation available here.
Extra material
Further reading
MSc projectsYou may be interested in a MSc project in Scientific Computing or Numerical Analysis at the School of Computer Science and Communication (CSC). If so, get in touch with course administration, or with any of the NA staff. If you are more interested in Computer Science, get in touch with e.g. Mikael Goldmann.Preliminary Schedulepdf hereSidansvarig: Jesper Oppelstrup <> Senast ändrad 30 augusti 2007 Tekniskt stöd: <> |